Monday, September 17, 2007

Party like it's 5768!!

One of my favorite activities to pass the time at temple on Rosh Hashanah is to make Jewish New Year's resolutions. They do not have to be harsh, or long-lasting- they merely have to last until December 31. Things like studying for a test, spending more time with my family, and even reading for 30 minutes before bed are all promises that I make to tide myself over until that day where I make even crazier promises that I am even less likely to keep. Now, don't get me wrong...I take the high holy days very seriously. These are the most important days for a good and repent for a year of sin, or you may not live to see 5769. But at the same time, the good little atheist on my left shoulder keeps telling me...what kind of God would ever punish you for making mistakes? Aren't we all on earth to learn how to be better people? and what better way to learn right and wrong than to screw up big time? And really, even if I were to repent for all of my sins, skipping a whole day of school for a couple hours in synagogue just sets the whole vicious cycle back in motion. A life without sin is one not worth living. so, rather than seek forgiveness from whatever deity you believe will forgive you, spend these holy eight days thinking about all of the lessons you have learned this year, and how much you have grown from your mistakes. L'Shanah Tovah, and happy new year. Enjoy this coloring page!

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