Monday, October 22, 2007

The Perils of Planning: Part II

Previously, on The Perils of Planning...
-No Venue for Ellen Cohen!
-Pep Rally vs. Fundraiser!
-Sign up sheets missing!
-Sally stuck in a well!
( a little carried away....)

And now, TPoP: II

October 17, 2007- One day until BCAD 2007

So, unable to defeat the behemoth of school spirit facing us, the Breast Cancer Awareness Day troup chose to move ourseleves to another venue...and with only the library to choose from...we chose the library.

The Bellaire library is set up to achieve the maximum level of feng shui- lots of aisles, computers out of the way of students' chi flows. Unfortunately, the library is not equipped to host 200 students, 12 eager teachers, four friendly librarians, two roving reporters and one golden councilwoman!!!

Also- with our guest of honor needing to be back in NYC as soon as she is done speaking, fligths need to be changed and re-arranged. Fact- Houston needs to have a redeye flight to New York.

# of tickets I have sold- approx 22
# needed for profit- 60
# needed for full house- 150
# of blood pressure- 847589760

Well, the event is tomorrow- preapre for a full analysis as soon as details come in.

24 bcad image.bmp

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